<B><FONT COLOR="#"><FONT COLOR="#ff334d"><FONT COLOR="#"><FONT COLOR="#"><FONT COLOR="#"><FONT COLOR="#"><FONT COLOR="#">This puts <I>text</I> in a box, like ||, but rotates the box
through <I>angle</I> degrees, <tex2html_verbatim_mark>#math40#<tex2html_image_mark>#tex2html_wrap652#.
<B><FONT COLOR="#"><FONT COLOR="#ff334d"><FONT COLOR="#"><FONT COLOR="#"><FONT COLOR="#"><FONT COLOR="#"><FONT COLOR="#">The standard version always rotates around the reference point of the
box, but the <#159#>keyval<#159#> version takes the following keys:
<B><FONT COLOR="#"><FONT COLOR="#ff334d"><FONT COLOR="#"><FONT COLOR="#"><FONT COLOR="#"><FONT COLOR="#"><FONT COLOR="#">So you may specify both |x| and |y|, which give the coordinate of
the centre of rotation relative to the reference point of the box, eg
|[x=2mm, y=5mm]|. Alternatively, for the most common points, one may use
|origin| with a <I>label</I> containing one or two of the following:
|lrctbB| (|B| denotes the baseline, as for <#167#>PSTricks<#167#>). For
example, compare a default rotation of
<FONT COLOR="#">180<SUP><TT>o</TT></SUP></FONT>
...<tex2html_verbatim_mark>#math41#<tex2html_image_mark>#tex2html_wrap668#... to the effects gained by using
the |origin| key:
<BR>|[origin = c]| rotates about the centre of the box,...
<B><FONT COLOR="#"><FONT COLOR="#ff334d"><FONT COLOR="#"><FONT COLOR="#"><FONT COLOR="#"><FONT COLOR="#"><FONT COLOR="#">The |units| key allows a change from the default units of degrees
anti-clockwise. Give the number of units in one full anti-clockwise